Well, Nerissa is finished. I have to get some good lighting to take pictures to post. She is absolutely incredible and I can't believe how many hours I spent doing her hair.
I have started a new doll. Her name is Nerissa and she is guiding me with ideas for how she wants to look. : ) She is all pink and she is going to be a wild mermaid when she is done. I am trying new techniques on this doll and I think you will like the way she looks. I actually drew the pattern for this doll myself and sewed her. It was a simple mermaid pattern that the embellishments are going to make her awesome. Pictures will follow, eventually.
I finished the starfish last night. Her name is Stella (Latin for starlike). I fringed the entire seam with 4 mm cubes and miracle beads. The fringe alone took 16 feet of Fireline. The fringe was done to tie the front and back color themes to each other. The top was lime green and turquoise and the bottom was purple and turquoise. Therefore the fringe was lime green miracle beads, purple miracle beads, turquoise cubes and those were all topped with a bright lime green seed bead.
I have been making jewelry for years. When I first started I did mainly stringing. In May of 2005, a friend taught me how to do peyote stitch. Since then, I have been learning different stitches so that I can make more complex woven jewelry. To date I have learned peyote, right angle weave, Ogalala, herringbone, brick, and the ladder stitch. I want to learn different African beadwork stitches. My goal is to become an "All Nebraska Artist" at the NE State Fair. To do this I have to have the Best of Division award two years (in a five year span) in either Jewelry or Beading. I have received it once in both categories.