Here is another trellis necklace. This one I didn't enter in the state fair. I really like it. I was wearing it at a bead store the other day and the people there just thought it was part of my shirt.
Sorry that I haven't been posting more. School has started which means that I am icing my knee in the evening instead of beading. Internet access at home has been sporadic. I took my home computer to school today so that I could update everyone. I hope to be able to post and bead soon. Thanks.
Sorry it has been so long since I last posted. I have had a very busy summer and I haven't had internet access since I got back home. I am going to show you the picture of a couple of my Nebraska State Fair entries. The fair hasn't started so I don't know how they will place.
I have been making jewelry for years. When I first started I did mainly stringing. In May of 2005, a friend taught me how to do peyote stitch. Since then, I have been learning different stitches so that I can make more complex woven jewelry. To date I have learned peyote, right angle weave, Ogalala, herringbone, brick, and the ladder stitch. I want to learn different African beadwork stitches. My goal is to become an "All Nebraska Artist" at the NE State Fair. To do this I have to have the Best of Division award two years (in a five year span) in either Jewelry or Beading. I have received it once in both categories.